Cuddles with Sasha
With February being known as the month of love, we thought we would write this weeks blog on 10 signs your dog loves you. Dogs are known to be very social animals and they pay their owners a great deal of attention and affection. There are many ways in which your canine shows you love and in this blog we share 10 signs your dog loves you. Dogs are very loving and loyal to their owners, two of the reasons why they make such amazing friends and companions.
We all love to be cuddled don’t we?! Well dogs are no exception. Cuddles are the first of our 10 signs your dog loves you. Our canine friends are excellent at cuddling their owners. The one to one touch you get from cuddling someone has a nice calming effect on us and our pups. How do you feel when your dog or loved one cuddles you? For me, it’s a very powerful sign of love.
Cuddles with Sasha. Photo credit A1 Photogenics
Does your dog nudge you with their nose? Nose nudging is our second of 10 signs your dog loves you and it’s your dog’s cute way of saying I like you and want your attention. Occasionally your dog may nudge you with their nose to tell you you are in their way! However, it’s often a sign of love and affection towards their owner, so make sure the next time your dog nudges you with their nose that you give them a big cuddle to reciprocate the love they are showing you.
When your dog licks you, it’s their way of saying they love you. Licks and kisses have made it to number 3 on our list of signs your dog loves you. Dogs often lick their owners as a greeting when they haven’t seen them for a period of time. Licking you is your dog’s way of giving you a kiss so it’s done from a place of affection.
Do you let your dog sleep on your bed either during the day or at night with you? Some owners don’t let their dog sleep on the bed with them and others do, it’s really up to personal choice. You may be thinking your dog is just being cheeky by wanting to sleep on your bed with you, however it’s one of many signs your dog loves you.
Thomas sleeping on his owners bed. Photo by Bethany Fry
When a dog sleeps on your bed with you, they are showing you that they trust you and also want to protect you while you are sleeping so they sleep next to you on the bed. Your dog feels safe when they sleep with you and it’s a way of showing love and loyalty.
When a dog loves someone they react happily to the sound of their voice. Think about when you call your dog and they come running up to you with lots of energy, a happy face and wagging tail.
Tail wags are number 6 on our list of signs your dog loves you. I love to see a dog with a wagging tail as it’s such a powerful sign of happiness and love. You can’t help but smile when you see your dog frantically wagging it’s tail because they are pleased to see you and they want to show you that. Your dog is showing you they are happy and love spending time with you when they wag their tail.
Beau with her beautiful wagging tail
Dogs are very clever animals and they just seem to know when their owner is sad and needs cheering up. So sitting with you and leaning on you when you are sad is number 7 on our list of signs your dog loves you. Our clever canines sit with you when you need that love and support and they lean on you to provide that feeling of reassurance.
Play is incredibly important for dogs of all ages. Through play, dogs learn new skills, how to trust and also bond with their owner when they play with them. When your dog brings you toys and tries hard to get your attention for a play session, they are saying they want to spend time with you because they love you and want to build a relationship with you. Play is a wonderful sign that your pup loves you.
Dash, Jack and Mali playing together
Eye contact is an important sign your dog loves you. When your canine gives you and more importantly holds eye contact with you, they are showing you they are comfortable with you and love you.
Number 10 on a our list of signs your dog loves you is when they bring you their favourite toy. When we love someone, and dogs are no different, we love to share our most important possessions with those we love. So when your dog brings you their favourite toy, they are saying I love you and trust you to take care of my favourite toy.
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