Billy Beagle Dog
We give homes to pets for many different reasons; company when children fly the nest, a love of animals, company when we get older, to help teach children about pet ownership and responsibility. Pets give so much love and loyalty and their owners would do anything for their best friends. I recently got chatting to Alexandra, who ordered a paw print kit as she wanted to capture her dog’s unique paw prints. I am honoured that Alexandra shared her story with me and why Billy is so special to her and she has given me permission to share the amazing story with you as well 🙂
Grab a cuppa and read on, you’ll be pleased you did…
“I came across your Facebook page a little by accident. I ordered the kit as I wanted an exact replication of what my dog’s paw prints were like.”
“In June 2016 we adopted Billy (beagle) from a rescue. He was an ex puppy farm dog used for breeding and kept in a cage eating his own faeces to survive. He had been in the rescue for around 8 months and was over-looked due to his medical condition. He has a grade 5-6 heart murmur. This includes acute pulmonary Stenosis, Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD – hole in his heart between his two ventricles) together with other various congenital defects. When we rescued Billy we knew of his condition but wanted to give him the best life we could possible give him!”
“After a week of having Billy we took him to a Cardiologist Specialist to provide us with an insight of his condition. It was clear that if we didn’t act soon we could lose him. Billy’s first operation was a balloon valvuloplasty, to widen the stenosis (narrowing in his heart valve). This appeared successful and Billy had a good few months of learning how wonderful grass felt and how he loved the feel of sand between his toes! He enjoyed every experience, every play date, every holiday. Unfortunately the pressures in his heart rose and Billy had to undergo another operation. This time it was a double balloon valvuloplasty, two balloons sitting side by side holding his valve open. He bounced back from the operation and has manged to find himself a certain level of stability. We take Billy every 3 months to have his heart and abdomen scanned for signs of deterioration and heart failure. Thankfully to date he is managing to hold his own, still enjoying every breath he takes!”
“Billy is an extremely special boy to me!! At the time I found Billy in the rescue I was suffering from a terrible bought of depression and anxiety! He gave me a purpose and a reason to get out of bed every morning to fight alongside him! Some people say to me and my partner what a fabulous thing we have done for Billy, however people can’t understand just how much he has helped me. Without him I don’t know what I would have done. That’s why I would move heaven and Earth to keep him as happy and as healthy as I can. Over the past few years we have spent at times more than I earn so I can ensure he receives the best specialist care available. The future with Billy is very uncertain and we aren’t sure what life will throw at us! We treasure every single moment we have together, making wonderful memories with our other dog Molly.”
Billy and Molly paw print tattoo
“I wanted a tattoo to always remember Billy and Molly but before the inevitable happened to Billy. The meaning in the tattoo would have changed. I chose to use your printing pad and paper so I can capture their paw prints just as they are. I am so pleased with how they have turned out and also what an amazing job the tattooist has done. I now have both of their paw prints on me and will carry them forever. Each time I feel low I look at them to give me strength to believe that there is a bigger purpose in life, that just one person and her dog so fragile in different ways can form unity, strength together and a place they call home.”
Capturing your pet’s paw print is something a lot of owners sadly put off and then don’t get around to doing. It is so quick and simple to do with my inkless paw print kits, yet so many of us let life get in the way and then we feel so sad that we didn’t capture that special memory when we had the chance. Life is precious and we are all too often reminded that tomorrow is never promised.
I have made my paw print kits super affordable at just £7.75. You can order direct from my website here. Each kit comes with full instructions and also a code to get 10% off personalised gifts, stamps and jewellery showcasing your pet’s unique paw prints. Simply email a photo of your pet’s paw prints to me and I will tidy up any furry bits and send them back to you to keep. I will also keep a copy of the prints on file so it is nice and easy for you to order keepsakes in the future if you wish.
Please don’t put it off, capture your pet’s paw prints now while you have the chance.
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