Lisa, Sammy and Luna
Being a mum is a huge task and that role comes in many different shapes and sizes! You could be a mum to a baby, several young children or perhaps teenagers or even grown up children. You could be a step mum or a foster mum, which can be even more challenging. And last but by no means least you could be a furmum, where your little ones have fur and four legs or perhaps feathers if you have birds at home 🙂
Being both a mum and a furmum myself, I can see many similarities between being a mum and a furmum and I will list a few below for you;
Being a mum is one of the most challenging yet rewarding roles you will ever undertake and sometimes it’s not easy to see just how much you accomplish every day. Take a step back and pat yourself on the back for being the glue that holds everything together, for getting the kids to school on time even though one had a major meltdown this morning or for rescuing a glass of water that was heading for the kitchen floor when your cat decided to launch themselves onto the table and skid across it!! Congratulate yourself for being able to provide your children and furbabies with nutritious food and warmth and most of all your attention and love.
It’s important to realise nobody ever gets this right all of the time, some days we seem to be on fire and it all goes smoothly, while other days we can feel like we aren’t doing a very good job and things are stacked against us. But do you know what, we get up and carry on, we have a little word with ourselves, remind ourselves just how much we achieve every day and we continue to be the best mums we can be. Everyone does things differently and that’s ok.
It’s Mothers Day here in the UK this Sunday, I hope you can have a lovely day. If you are lucky enough to still have your mum around and you are able to see her, tell her how much you love her and appreciate everything she does for you. If you can’t see your mum, pick up the phone or arrange a video call so you can still tell her how much she means to you. For those of you who are so brave to carry on while your mum watches over you from the clouds in heaven, take a few moments to reflect on Sunday, she will see you reflecting and she will feel loved that you have devoted that time to think of her and your relationship, all the wonderful memories you shared that you now carry deep within your heart.
Happy Mother’s Day everyone 🙂
Lots of love, Lisa, Ollie, Jake, Sammy and Luna xxxxx
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