How To Take Amazing Paw Prints
Our pets mean the world to us, they are often referred to as our “furbabies”, something that non-pet owners don’t really ‘get’ or understand! Pets are undoubtedly incredibly special and important family members, they are our best friends who are always there for us.
Given our pets mean so much to us, it’s only natural to want to keep them with us wherever we go and incorporate them into our lives as much as possible. In this blog we are going to share with you some tips on how to take amazing paw prints from your pets so you have them to keep furever. You also then have the option of capturing those special paw prints in a personalised paw print stamp or silver paw print jewellery 🙂
Tiger with her amazing paw prints
How to get started…
Ok, so you have a treasured pet or three at home and would like to know how to take amazing paw prints to keep furever. You could try using an ink pad and some paper at home, but I think we all know how that would likely end up!!! Yes, you guessed it, ink paw prints all over your house and probably all over you too!!
There is a much easier way to do this thankfully. The simplest way to take amazing paw prints is to use one of our inkless paw print kits. You can grab one by ordering on the website and with the beautiful frame that is included, they are great value at only £19.50. Your pawsome kit showing you how to take amazing paw prints will be posted to you within 48 hours of you placing your order.
Rubbing the inkless wipe on the dog’s paw ready to take an amazing paw print.(Photo Credit Wirral the Corgi)
Once you have your kit you will find inside the beautiful presentation folder, an inkless wipe in a little packet (one per animal), two A4 sheets of special inkless paper (two per animal), full instructions on the back of the folder and a handwritten note from us. You will also receive a special discount code that you can use to save 10% when you order personalised paw print stamps and silver paw print jewellery 🙂 The first thing you need to do is read through the instructions as it tells you everything you need to do.
Brushed silver frame with cat photo and digital paw print after a little tidying up
French oak effect frame with pet photo and paw prints taken with an inkless paw print kit
Tips on how to take amazing paw prints…
We have taken many many paw prints over the years and Lisa used to be a Veterinary Nurse. This experience has taught us quite a few things and we will share them below to help you capture your pet’s precious paw print. A lot of these tips are on the instruction sheet but we will add in a few extras here because we love to be super helpful 🙂
- These inkless paw print kits have been successfully used with a variety of pets including; kittens, cats, puppies, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, a hamster and mice. There are likely a few other animals that you could use these kits for too like rats.
- Read the instructions in full before you begin.
- The kit is inkless so you or your pet won’t make any mess using it 🙂
- It’s often easier to take prints when there are 2 of you; one person to rub the inkless wipe over your pet’s paw and one person to hold your pet.
- If your pet has particularly furry paws you’ll find it easier to take a paw print after their paws have had a trim if that’s possible. For example, plan to take your dog’s paw prints after a visit to the groomers.
- Cats can be more challenging as they are often not keen on having the fur between their paws trimmed, however, thankfully their paws tend not to be quite as furry as some dogs!
- It is often easier to take paw prints from dogs when they are calm and relaxed after being taken out for a pee.
- Take prints on a flat surface e.g. table or on the floor using a clip board.
Wirral the Corgi making amazing paw prints with her inkless paw print kit
- Apparently (and we found this out from a vet recently) cats don’t mind having their front paws touched but they hate having their back paws touched. We can confirm this is certainly true for our old cat Tiger and we found that out when she had some mud stuck to the fur in her back paw. She wouldn’t let us anywhere near it lol!
- Dogs are the opposite, they are often not keen on having their front paws touched but don’t mind their back paws being touched. Having said that we usually take paw prints from front paws but if the dog appears reluctant we then try a back paw.
- Be patient with your pet. They have not seen an inkless paw print kit before and have no idea what you are asking them to do or why!
- Don’t worry if the paw print(s) smudges and you have furry bits here and there and fingerprints mixed in with the paw prints too. We will tidy up your paw prints when you send them to us and remove any smudges and fingerprints so you get your pet’s beautiful and unique paw print.
- If you attempt to take paw prints and your pet is really not co-operating, don’t worry. You can fold the wipe up and put it back in the foil packet and sellotape to seal it. Try again another time when your pet has calmed down and use some treats to entice them and distract them.
How to take amazing paw prints with an inkless paw print kit at home video…
As I said above, it is usually easier to take prints if there are 2 of you but as the video below shows it is possible to do it on your own.
What if I need more help?
Don’t worry if you have attempted to take paw prints and tried all of the above but for some reason you either can’t get clear prints, you don’t think it has worked or your pet is very reluctant to have his/her paw prints taken. We are usually around on the phone or email and more than happy to help guide you through the process and offer extra advice on how to take amazing paw prints. It is best to leave your pet for a while to calm down before attempting to take prints again. Get some of your pet’s favourite treats ready too as this works well!
Please don’t throw your prints away even if you think they are no good. Always take a photo and upload them to the website and we will check them. We have clever software that helps us adjust the darkness and contrast and we can usually pick out the paw print from the fur and tidy it up for you.
Wirral the Corgi sat proudly with her inkless paw prints
Yours to keep furever…
Now you have your pet’s unique paw prints it is important to take a photo of them and upload them to the website so we can check them. We will tidy up your pet’s paw prints and send you an image of the best one for you to keep furever. A digital copy of your pet’s unique paw print will be kept on file for 6 months free of charge in case you’d like to capture their special paw print in a personalised paw print stamp or stunning sterling silver jewellery.
We can continue keeping paw prints on file after 6 months and we will explain this to you at the time. There is a wide range of beautiful keepsakes to choose from and we are happy to have a chat with you to help you choose the best option for you. Our contact details are;
0779 2835 639
[email protected]